Set 8 Cobalt turnout motors + Helvest decoder

CHF 250.00

Budget box set consisting of :

  • eight Cobalt slow action motors
  • HP100 motherboard
  • DCC100 modul
  • two UPW400 modules

to assemble a complete system of DCC decoders + 8 slow commutation motors.
This kit combines the advantages of the Helvest Flex system (maximum quality and reliability of use, ease of programming, maximum flexibility) and Cobalt motors with considerable savings compared to the purchase of individual components.

The decoder is extremely reliable, easy to use and program, like all Helvest products.

The motors are of high quality, produced by the English company DCCConcept, and are suitable for every scale (from 1 to Z).

If you have any questions or would like more information about this product, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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